Im in the state library. Protecting myself from the heat. It is like a ciggarette bin outside. Hot, DUsty and Smelly. In the words of the fat watcher lady from little britain:- Dust, anyone dust? dust anyone? dust, anyone? dust? anyone dust? anyone? anyone? DUST HAS 0 CALORIES. SO YOU CAN HAVE ALL THE DUST THAT YOU WANT. hahaha.
do you have dust? dust no? yes no? dust no? dust? dust? No? well..just give her a glass of water. haha.
yes. its dusty outside. there’s a bush fire somewhere……..(over the rainbow~~~)
i am also doing last minute cramming for my consumer behaviour paper tommorow.
I love it here in the library. The high ceiling makes me feel as though i’m in a european palace (Not that ive ever been to one). It also makes me feel short..and stubby. ok no. Thats SHORTER and STUBBIER. hehe. My favourite part has got to be how everyone in here is trying to be as quiet as dead. Nope. No shahrukhan mp3 playing in here (YESSSSSSS!!!).
The only thing i hate about this place is how the computer monitors are placed way higher then the usual height fit for a monitor screen. Who comes here to use their computers anyway? A Giraffe?? Gila men. Is this even healthy?? my neck is starting to hurt. can i sue?
hehe thought i’d post.
ive never posted from the library before. haha. What’s next? you ask? a LONGKANG.
i want to post from a longkang. hehe.
anyway, wish me luck.
kiss me.
ps: oh i havent got my laptop back yet. sigh.