Prisonbreak Season 2 Ep 14.

hah. The long awaited episode is here. I’ve seen it. huhu. Ngaleh ku sudah drg lari lari ani. bunoh sana bunoh sini. sikit sikit bunoh. sikit sikit bang bang sikit sikit parai sikit sikit lari sikit sikit sikit hensem. sikit sikit hensem. yang HENSEM atu tah yang ku kalah tu nah. hahahaha. membari kan meliat. selalu. senyummu. oh abang ku. michael schofield. woohoo.

im at school. spent half of the morning CRYING in bed. Siapa punya pasal? tu ACER paloi atu lagi lah. I really thought i’d be getting my notebook today. Skalinya ntah. they’re having problems with the delivery of the motherboard and the estimated arrival time have been pushed to the 29th. Another LONGGGGGGGGG WEEKEND without a notebook to work with. How frustrating. it sucks having to stay back in school every day till midnight to do my assignments. Mun sikit assignment nya ani inda jua papa. Ani ive got 2 big assignments and a presentation due in before the 2nd of february. And all i could do now is bare with the Uni’s computers and CRY.

last semester of my degree and EVERYTHING’S GOING WRONG. just when i thought every thing was going to be smooth sailing this year. boy am in for a ride.


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