No. I didn’t go to my friend’s dinner. Thank god. She did told me that her mom was going to COOK BEEF. Those were her exact words hahaha; “I CALL MY MOM ASK HER TO COOK BEEF“. After her dog food business story with the boyfriend, for all i know, beef could be anything from cow intestines to dog food. I escaped it by telling her i had to go cause it was getting dark outside. and i’m scared of the dark. because im scared of ghosts. If she was any smarter, she’d know i was lying pasal it only gets dark after 9PM during summer.
at home.. going to school in a bit..
laptop’s still not repaired. and Jewelle, if only i had all the money in the world i’d channel my anger to a laptop shopping spree. 🙁
kiss me.
…In school. It is so sad that i’m missing out on the Golden Globes award on E. I managed to catch a glimpse of it before leaving for school but it’s irritating how they were showing ads every 2 minutes. I saw Beyonce. Beyonce always looks good that whatever she wears does not really impress me anymore. huhu. Anyway, im at school finishing up my assignment due in lusa. Wargh. kan meliat tinis ku eh.. hensem si Saffin atu. Marat Saffin. Sikit lagi ya Murut Saffin. kalau ya murut, sama kami tu. saudara. huhuhuhu. Since my computer has been MIA ive been indulging myself in a lot of TV. Oh shit. that reminds me. I’m also missing out on My Super Sweet 16 this afternoon 🙁 I don’t care what you guys say.. all i care about is if a girl name katie or lily or mary somewhere, is getting a BMW or P.DIDDY to perform at her birthday party. huhuhuhu. Wished i had that when i turned 16. ani apa.. last last BOUNCER. last last BOUNCER. boring. BOUNCER KARAOKE BOUNCER KARAOKE……. LUCKY DRAW. hahahahahaha.
What did i do for my sixteenth birthday ah?? OH NO! LOL. it was my first year in melbourne. Cousins thought it was funny to take me to Planet Hollywood to have dinner and be embarassed by the waiter during dessert. They got the waiter to shout out my name on the microphone and then forced me to stand up on the chair and got the patrons to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY. INgat ku mua cousins ku kikik kikik (mcm ambok). hahahaha. Apparently that was their way of getting back at me for being GAWAH and a bully. KANA ku. SATU KUSONG. haha but yeah at the end of the day, its the thought that counts. hahaha. oh shit. an alarm just set off in my head. ive been here since i was SIXTEEN??? I’m turning 22 this year. oh no. 21’s a good age to be you know. there’s a reason why they go FOREVER 21 and not 22… and SUPER SWEET SIXTEEN and not SUPER SWEET TWENTY TWO. uwaaaaaaa.
Anyways, I’ve also caught on to watching 5 takes on the travel channel. HOW FAKE IS THAT GIRL FROM SINGAPORE’S ACCENT??? It sooo ozzie..but oh so NOT! she reminds me of my asian mates back in boarding school. They manage to switch their accents on and off like a vibrating toothbrush. and when they DO switch it on, i’d usually try really hard not to CRINGE infront of their faces.
eh astaghafirallah. assignment. maybe if i finish i’d be able to go home in time for YO MOMMA.
kiss me.