Break break down…

Playing: Glenn- Mimpi Biru.

I love the way rnb singers go “Break it down” in a live performance. Exsp when they move from a fast song to a mellow song. They’d always go and say:” BREAK IT DOWN NOW “..i’m not sure why they like to break things but i think i’m definitely doing it at the moment. I had Blur’s – Song 2 ringing in my head a few minutes ago and now its Glenn… no… I have to remind kel to update her playlist to something more upbeat lah.

Nothing’s been happening on my side. Spent the weekend watching back to back episodes of the PlayBoy mansion and MTV Cribs. I want to meet Hugh Hefner now. Despite him having a reputation of womanizing, he seems like a pretty pleasant man (arent they all?). During the weekend, we were also bombarded by stories of Donald Trump feuding with Rosie O’donnell. Apparently, Trump’s pissed off at Rosie’s impersonation of him on day time tv talk show; The View. Huhuhu. I used to be an avid fan of The View. I watched it everyday before going to school. But now that Meredith has left and Star, recently has been fired i have no reason to watchi it anymore. The only person worth watching on The View is Joyce but she’s been tuned out by the boisterous Rosie Odonnell and Elizabeth of Survivor who ive always thought was GODDAMN ANNOYING someone kill her off the show. Sayang eh. Anyway, yeah read more about it here. Alah. Its just a publicity stint to get views for his next season of The Apprentice. Trump has always been an attention seeking freak.. and this is no different.. Boo. sama rambutnya bida. huhuhu. kenapa rambut nya catu atu kan? lawa lagi rambut niniku. rambut bawa tuah kali? KENSEL eh. there i was thinking of cutting my hair ala Nicole Richie. huhu bebalah sebalah kiri saja ku. huhuhu. mana tau kaya. AMIN.

so i heard SHE was down in Melbourne for the weekend. Boo. ANDANGNYA ORANG KUALABELAIT ANI. TEMENG TEMENG. MANA PANDAI KAN NELIPUN APA. hahahahahaha. sudah tah. putus tah tani. inda ku mau becakap sama kau lagi. hahaha. 🙂

We had a pramlee movie playing tadi.. haha guess which one:-

Siapa nama adik?
Cantik nama, macam nama NENEK saya..

“Kenapa 3 hari 3 malam saje? Kan saya dah bagi duit untuk 7 hari 7 malam!!!??”

“Pah, Butang baju aku mana dah!?!?”

hahaha si Ren tau nie. Ya pandai nie barang cani ani. Siapa tejawab dengan tepat aku bagi present. berupa.. swimming lessons.


“Mari Belajar berenang bersama Siti” – taken err.back when Vondutch was famous and i was paying a few hundred dollars for a cap (what a waste that was!) – at the Pool back home. hahahaha. Sigh. Home sweet home. sedih jua eh.

oh goodness. Kel just asked me WHAT is the STARTING for the song “e siko siko siko siko sa?”

well. *clears throat*

its.. hehe KOKO DIDI OMA KWAH KWAH KWAH ESIKO SIKO SIKO SIKO SAA. FELLOW FELLOW FELLOW FELLOW FELLOW.. (and then u start counting) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.

god. HELLO 1990’s. style lama jua durang main barang cemani ani. inda kamu tau Y2k sudah kah nie? y2k?? millinimium bah sudah nie milleniMIUM. haha adakah main siko siko. at least SIP SIP SIP oldskool lagi..ani i dont even know what IT IS. hahaha.

anyways, im off. ill leave u guys with this:-


kiss me.

2 thoughts on “Break break down…

  1. Hello Syaz just thought I’d wish you a Happy New Year – haven’t been online since before xmas! so many blog entries to read! aahh where is the time?! Oh and seeing your cap reminded me – I did the same when they were in. Except mine was a disgusting green and maroon-ey colour (what the hell was I thinking?) hahahaha xxw

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