Last day of 2006.

I’ve got nothing planned for tonight. Thankgod for E. No. not the letter E. The channel. huhuhuhu.

Wishing all of you another 12 months of happiness (kurangkan makan) , joy (kurangkan mengumpat) and good health (kurangkan besigup) ! 😀 muaaaaaaaaaaaah!

kiss me.

ps: kalau brad pitt sama angelina jolie jadi brangelina.. kalau kudil sama Dang kasum apa? Kusum? Kudang? huhu…

pps: im getting sick of hearing TomKat all the time. I think its time for a change of channel. *click*.

wah.. anthony bourdaine……………………..he’s a splitting image of George Clooney lah! tapi lagi seksi ia. huhuhu. wooo hooo. Ren. Aku tau kau suka. aku pun suka. huhu i miss you ren. 100x.

PPPS: my blog looks pretty bare. so i thought HEY an opportunity to post a random (and nice..) picture (of me)!! vanity IS a nuisance. huhuhu.

Sash,Molly and Nad on Nawa’s birthday. heh. ive gone a few shades darker since september pfft. uwa. itam bekarak mcm buntut belanga yang sering di pakai oleh si Anik.

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