I’ve got nothing planned for tonight. Thankgod for E. No. not the letter E. The channel. huhuhuhu.
Wishing all of you another 12 months of happiness (kurangkan makan) , joy (kurangkan mengumpat) and good health (kurangkan besigup) ! 😀 muaaaaaaaaaaaah!
kiss me.
ps: kalau brad pitt sama angelina jolie jadi brangelina.. kalau kudil sama Dang kasum apa? Kusum? Kudang? huhu…
pps: im getting sick of hearing TomKat all the time. I think its time for a change of channel. *click*.
wah.. anthony bourdaine……………………..he’s a splitting image of George Clooney lah! tapi lagi seksi ia. huhuhu. wooo hooo. Ren. Aku tau kau suka. aku pun suka. huhu i miss you ren. 100x.
PPPS: my blog looks pretty bare. so i thought HEY an opportunity to post a random (and nice..) picture (of me)!! vanity IS a nuisance. huhuhu.
Sash,Molly and Nad on Nawa’s birthday. heh. ive gone a few shades darker since september pfft. uwa. itam bekarak mcm buntut belanga yang sering di pakai oleh si Anik.