First and Last Boxing Day of my laife.

I’m back (so soon?), this time on Norhana’s laptop. She left it lying around in the house for me to use while kel and her hops onboard a gigantic BRA sale at Target! how nice!

The whole of melbourne is still on sale. Boxing day Sales were overrated. Although the sales in Myers on that day was really good there were hardly any space in the department store to breathe, let alone shop! And level 2 David jones was sooo out of the question!! Ground floor david jones wereee betamu gusi full ok? But who could blame anybody when Sass and Bides , Marcs , Seduce, Shona Joy, Alice McCall & Alannah Hill ,One teaspoon – all the populat POPULAR haha (polulat eh) australian designer were all on SALE?

This is the house of brands we’re talking about.

a TEMPLE for many fashion crazed girls out there.

$200 tops selling for err..close to NOTHING? . huhuhu.

But i said no to david jones and observed the place only from the wet benches outside on bourke st (it was also raining on that day!).. gila david jones looked like a lifesize JUMANJI and the last thing i would want is to be trampled to death by Miss Sixty wearing BLONDES.

We did managed to get a few nice things here and there pulang (i got my friss co bag ive been wanting so much for 30% off!)..and i made a mistake of getting this one teaspoon dress (no not david jones, from another store) that i do not have the slightest idea of how to wear. I tried wearing it as a pinafore but ew. cannot lah. yatah moral of the story..just because its on sale YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY IT..and one teaspoon sucks. i’m sticking to my Cue.

Yatahbah, u know how sales can be soo overrated – all the nice things are still selling at full price so you end up spending more than what you bargained for. So yeah that’s the last time i’m shopping on boxing day. huhu.

anyway, im hungry
and ive got a book to finish. huhuhu
nanti lagi haaaaaaaaa…

kiss me.

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