Guess how many spam “comments” i have to delete in a day? TWO HUNDRED..SOMETHING. Today it was four hundred something..and thats some crazy shit. And i’m not talking about the unfiltered ones yet.
I have to spend at least another 5-20 minutes MANUALLY deleting spam that are already entered in to the comment boxes. AND I KEEP ON ACCIDENTALLY DELETING MY READER’S COMMENTS AT THE SAME TIME. HOW ANNOYING IS THAT???
I could tolerate it before, but this is just ridiculous.
And apologies to my readers,if you don’t see your comments in my previous posts anymore..bukannya ku tersengaja tu; pasalnya THESE SPAMMERS ARE ASSHOLES.
on another note. I havent eaten anything the whole day cept for these reeses pieces peanut butter cups and nestle turtles. Peanut butter + chocolate is like the prozac for PMSING WOMEN. Nuttella & Peanut butter toasts are just as good. huhu. sigh.
kiss me.
kiss me.
i know right? i’m KEREEEYYYZZZIII about peanut butter~ plus chocolate. mun nada usin, you can make your own =). huhu. hari atu i did. uhuh, mcm yang di supasave ah. sama tu rasanya. suka ku bendalah murah tapi nyaman ani eh.
mi.. hahahahahahah.. nyaman ah.. mmmm nyaman..sigh…