
It has only been 3 weeks since uni started and assignments are rolling in as fast as im rolling out money. First 3000 word report is due in first week of December and with my bank almost breaking there’s a need for me to find a summer job a.s.a.p. I’m thinking Nandos or the cafe in this building that sells world’s delicious Danish pastries orr maybe i should try applying at Mimco or Sportsgirl or Myers or Davidjones or Safeway or Coles or Starbucks or Hudsons better yet the $23 an hour paying KRISPY KREMES anything that i can get my hands on really. The opportunity is endless but its a highly competitive world out there. Minimum 2 years experience lah apa lah gigi lah .. and now i’m thinking where the hell can i get 2 years experience in such short notice? and i’m only applying for part time if not, casual. Now im starting to think:- if it’s this hard to find a part time job.. what’s getting a full time job like for me? I’m only a few months away from getting my degree. It’s probably far more worse trying to find a job back home and i’d prefer not work in banks. thank you very much. then again i wont be surprised if a year from now i’ll be waking up early in the morning and going home late at nights because “i work in a bank”. Tapi jangan silap. Most successful businessmen out there usually starts off working at banks.. i know of one who’s very close to me 😀

Things to do this week:-
-Renew working visa.
-Update resume. ok. re-su-mey.
-Shred DEBIT CARD into un-swipe-able pieces.
-Drink plenty of water.
-Start reading for assignment.
– Download this season’s Prison Break finale (tommorow) .
– Bid for an ICE CREAM maker on ebay.

Owning an ICECREAM machine has always been a childhood dream of mine. I’ve always wanted to buy one from target but ntah ah i always end up buying silly things like leggings when im there. huhuhhu.

My weekend was alright. I saw Nat on Friday and met up with Nauli and Yedi (who’s here on vacation) yesterday. Had drinks at city square and went to china town for abalone. Was good considering the fact that i havent been hanging out with them indos for so long.

my finished mocha..i asked it to be extra chocolatey.

Two is a company. U know what i hate the most? going out with couples. Most cases u tend to feel like ure the third wheel. But Yedi & Nauli always puts me first. none of that “lovey dovey u pegang his tangan one more time i puke” kind of thing.I enjoy going out with these two – inda karing gusi. Yedi was showing off his dangdut collection on his new handphone again! The last time around it was Iklim’s – Suci dalam Debu. And while he was scrolling i heard Boboi’s “mami mami minta duit” and i asked yeds.. kau tau kah lagu ani? and his reply was no.. lagu brunei jua ni..mana kau dapat.. he was like.. “i dont know” i asked him whether he understood it or not: apa sih artinya?? ni nah ertinya:-

“Mami mami minta duit minta seringgit membali coklit”
Mummy mummy minta duit. minta SATU RINGGIT membali COKLET.

yedi was like..OHHHHHHHH COKLAT.

***famous jua si boboi atu ah? sampai ke indon????????????????????

Abalone, Nauli’s treat!

our dinner consisted of a few other things..the restaurant wasn’t as good as we had expected. but the fried ice cream made up for it! bisai lagi tu ice cream nya..ada happy birthday to you! translation: The icecube was lit to and later transformed it in to syrup to go with the icecream. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

oh remember that pumpkin pie i was craving? There are hardly any bakeries here that sells it probably because of its very american thanks giving nature. huhuhuhu. So i bought PECAN PIE instead. Tasted just as good though. Im actually contemplating the idea of opening up a foodblog. What do youse peoples thinks?

Ive bee having this with coffee for 4 consecutive days now. heh. black coffee to offset the sweetness please..

pictures up later in the day. pictures up!

kiss me.

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