I was told to go on the blog to make an announcement.
I can’t believe he (didn’t) proposed!
So the whole of December he kept on asking me what i wanted as hantaran. To those who are unfamiliar hantaran.. it is…. nadabah eksenku…malas ku ingau kan explain hahahahaaha as if my readers are white… as if i have readers lol
Anyway, all through out the month of December last year, he sent me pictures of telkong, tikar sembahyang and kept on asking me “eh sayang..kalau ani u mau kah ..ani u mau? mana satu u mau? ani ” and i’d be like yeah sure whatever, mcm kenapa kan ia betanya ani nada jua ada yang menconfirmkan date nya. So we kept on going back and forth – more like me just listening to him talk about what he wanted to get me.
And then one day, out of the blue ..as if thinking out loud he said to me “ok how about i go home sometime in June, and we plan out our wedding” followed by “…..and then when that’s settled i’lll go back to London and then come home again in August so that we can have the wedding!” – he said this like it was the best idea in the world mcm he invented auto-tune.
Complicated eh ya bepikir ah mcm Einstein mikirkan cemana membaca doa makan.
First, i was annoyed and then proceeded to ask him what sort of “extravagant celebration of love” he wanted to have – my exact words were “You kan mau 10 hari 10 malam kah yang u kan ke brunei dulu memplan ani?”
Skali it just turns out he wasn’t sure how things worked in Brunei. Mind you he hasn’t been home for 18 years so he’s quite out of touch with how things work here (his words) oh and also, i dont think he’s had any experience with a wedding haha so kali dalam kepala nya kali mcm catering , venue , baju ani mesti diaga kekadai kali. lol. imam sama pengangun pun mesti diaga dirumahnya..dikatok pintunya. mun ia nada, bisuk lusa lagi mencuba. dont give up sis.
So i told him. Give me a date, and we’ll book the venue over EMAIL and go from there..and he agreed.
So as of today, the venue’s booked and i’ve sent my measurements to the tailor (via whatsapp).
So… I guess this means i’m getting married?
Some people have asked me how he proposed. Which i thought was quite superficial.I simply loved how we both came to the realisation that we were both going to kawin. Thing is, It has always come up in our conversations so it wasn’t a matter of if but rather when.
At 38 years old and him, 42, a proposal just isn’t necessary. same goes to an elaborate wedding. we just want a small intimate “thing”. lain lah kalau ku kawin umurku 25 tahun.. i think i would’ve insisted on a relative to kipak me to the pelamin pebaik tah ku 100kg , have a ceremonial feet soak and invite all of the people i’m friends with on facebook.
The 25 y.o me would’ve been a people’s pleaser and would have wanted something loud and obnoxious. However, with age, our priorities have evolved, and now, a modest and close-knit celebration is what holds significance for us.
anyway, this old bride has five more months to get snatched. time to start running again. tidur ku pun bekasut sport ni.
on a more serious note..
i cant wait to be married to my teenage crush.
i love you.
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