Happy new year world.
2011 flew by so quickly. It’s as if it was only yesterday i told myself i was gonna climb Mt Kinabalu sometime last November. haha. I don’t think i ever blogged about what made me chicken out of the climb. I owe you a story.
It was last year that i got all excited about an invitation to go waterfall abseiling in the jungles of Temburong, oblivious to the fact that i did not at all fit the profile of an adrenaline junkie. So i took my back pack, got ready as early as SIX and wore my RUNNING shoes in to the thick slippery jungles of temburong to embark on adventure of a life time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Half way in to the jungle, I was already agitated because i just kept falling on my ass. It was a 45 minute hike and the path was slippery and my grip-less shoes didn’t help with my balancing. When we finally arrived at the waterfall i was already mentally and physically exhausted.
They say, It’s either that you are an adrenaline junkie, OR you are just purely suicidal to go on an abseiling trip. The latter didn’t occur to me until i missed a step during my decent down the waterfall and swung my back against the hard rocks. For a moment there, i thought that was it, it’s either i’m going to plunge to my death or half my body was going to be paralyzed from the impact of the rocks. Thankfully, I was the luckiest girl on earth on that day. I made it to the ground SOMEWHAT safely and crawled out of the jungle with a large bruise on my back :- It was just between my butt and what could’ve been my SPINAL cord. mun CORD piano inda jua apa.
If the unfortunate event was to teach me anything, it had taught me to:
– Not go in to the jungle with strangers.
– Always bring a close friend along, because not all people are nice in this world.
As i nursed my injury on the boat ride back to Bandar, I also tossed my MK Climb idea into the Brunei river. It just proves that some things are just not meant to be kan? And when this happens, it’s time to find something else that YOU KNOW YOU CAN ACHIEVE. Sometimes you just have to be realistic. But don’t give up without giving it a go.
Mount Kinabalu could still happen. Once i get rid of my phobia of heights kali.
anyway here’s to a new year.
what will you bring me oh 2012?