Melbourne, It’s Syazy in the house!!!!!!!

hehehehe…so im back in good ol autumn-y melbourne. I was expecting it to be warmer when i got off the plane but autumn has set in on time this year. Melbourne, so many changes since i left. My telephone bill for example didn’t stay at A$345.50 and had shot up to an alarming A$977.70 in my absence..causing the amount of money in my bank account to magically decrease.

On a good note, Renovations of spencer street station (across the road) is almost finished. i could tell through its glass walls that, like federation square, regardless of its dodgy exterior,its going to be beautiful. Can’t wait for the factory outlets to be opened. finally a D.F.O in the city..right across from where i LIVE .. the moment that ive been waiting for..huhu (im also eagerly waiting for Krispy Kremes.)

I missplaced my melbourne simcard. currently contemplating whether i should just maintain the number and get the simmy replaced or just buy myself a new one; out with the old and in with the new, they say! Thanks to last minute packing, silly me has also left her motorola charger at home.My hp’s not only simcard-less but its also running on a dead duracell bunny at the moment. RUnning down to the nearest hp shop tommorow morning to see if they’ve got any v3 chargers in stock..if not.. then i dont know what to do lah and getting a new phone is not an option..please refer to first paragraph.

The flight back was as usual, excruciatingly LONG even though the time taken to fly from singapore to melbourne has been reduced by 2hrs. It used to take 8hrs to fly singapore melbourne.. 10 hrs travelling time lah altogether from brunei singapore. singapore melbourne. but it doesnt matter. i hate flying so much even half hour rides in an airplane to miri wud seem like an entire life time to me. I have no idea how Bon does it.

Going off to sleep now. running errands tommorow morning.

kiss me.

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