I can’t find my Camera.
I can’t find my IC
I can’t find my driving license.
where the hell kud i have missplaced them ah? my ic and my driving licence is safe plang cause i know they’re in my room somewhere..as far as the story goes, as long as its in the house its still in good hands. As for my camera.. i dont have the slightest idea where the fuck it is. shit. syazy . always so clumsy. *shakes head in distress* hope i find it soon.I have also missplaced the bunch of keys to my apartment in melbourne.. *shakes Kel’s head hehe saja*.
Had an early start to the day, made my way to the dentists at Airport Lama. Had to get my teeth checked. The amount of Coke (the softdrink) that i have consumed in the last few months did not show in the cavity department. Which is a relief, so as far as im concerned i still have perfect teeth hehe. Had scaling done and it was really a messy affair to say the least..the dentist kept on splashing water on my face in the process. gila yo. sampai masuk ke mata bah perancitan. paloi. but for $1 all you can expect are dentists who kudnt care-less kan?
Had a call from mum around 12ish asking us to pickup Tharwana from school. 10 minutes later (more like 10 minutes AFTER having dimsum..me and kel were too hungry to take her to the emergency room tarus haha) i find myself “rushing” thru the emergency ward doors at RIPAS. Thar had fractured her wrist playing football during P.E earlier that morning. I basicly spent most of the morning and the afternoon staring at sick patients. I can’t stand hospitals. Just Looking at an empty cot sends shivers down my spine..going to the hospital has always been a NGILU experience for me. pebaik tah ganya PARKING dapan hospital ah.
Just got back from Nad’s place. Her mum called us over for a special treat of Ambuyat and Pais.beautiful fooooooooood.Thanks Nad i lovey dovey you. Played a few rounds of tunit before going home. Angela finally got the hang of playing it haha inda lagi ya kalah kalahan 😛 Ive got to see you guys again before i leave.. ill calling calling kay?
its been a long day.. im gonna go mandi and going straight to bed after that.
Squashing tommorow with Wang Ee.
kiss me.
urgh. where is my camera????