Dinner, my ultimate steak sandwich.

Im in Kiulap now, abusing the internet access at coffeezone. Kel’s infront of me, left unattended (ill be with you in a while). Mimi’s coming in a bit. Spent the whole day at home alternating ‘binge eating’ and watching Friends on dvd. Slept through out Maghrib..and im all tired and cranky now. There’s just somethng about sleeping during Maghrib that leaves you feeling all jetlag-ish when u wake up. Yatah nya urang tua tua inda kuasa tidur maghrib..huhu.

Tried my hand at making steak sandwiches for Lunch tadi. haha. It was a success. Been ages since i played around in the kitchen..why bother cooking when you have people to cook for you kan? might as well take advantage of it while it lasts. Im definitely going to miss this ‘laid back’ side of Brunei when i go back.

I now have a new recipe to add to my collection..one of my own creations too. huhuhu *kambang*.

The place is packed for a Tuesday night. Massari is blaring from the speakers..bleugh. I guess its thousands better to the shit they play at Sugar & Spice..

im bored.

kiss me.

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