The only way is UP!

Ron Carroll – The Only Way is up.

the only way is up. together you and i~*

making this number my ANTHEM for the year.Had a rather fruitful day today. I present to you, my honourable readers, my first ever WORDPRESS layout. Credits going out to Liv for forever teaching me how to work this wordpress thing out and im giving myself a pat on the back for FINALLY being able to work out the rocket science behind this thing. Like i said, it still needs a little bit of tweaking which i will get to soon enough.

I was enjoying my time infront of the computer too much that i had to DRAG myself to my brother’s bintang kecil rehearsals at RTB this evening . Aziz made it to the semi finals.. fingers crossed he’ll make it to the finals. Yippeeeee!

Went out for drinks with Molly and Kel at Taurean. Livie joined us. Its her last nite in Brunei. Im gonna missy wissy you babe. i’ll save the tears for the airport tommorow 😛 It’s my time to go soon pun.. ive finally confirmed my ticket back to melbourne. Leaving in two weeks. hope ill get to see everyone before i leave 🙂

So Mimi’s back from Brisbane (welcome back shaang!).. but Bon’s not around. its only been a few days but i miss her already. Boring ah. Time bapaku NADA semua tah kamu nada. what is this? haha. Ive been coming home early in the past few nites..which is good i guess. if only my dad was home to see this..haha.

anyhoots. my cell phone’s ringing. lover boy’s calling 😛 . hahahaha.

kiss me.

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