ok. ok. i f i really must.

Once upon a time..

My sisters and I met up with Lisa,Livie,Faz and Rach for coffee last nite. It was a real good catching up session..esxp when it’s only the second time that ive met Faz since she’s been back..she’s leaving Monday. crazy how time flies. as for lisa she too i only met..3 times kali since October..easy flowing conversations through out the night lah..banyak bah belambun cerita bah ah..kalau tah buleh 10 taun sekali tani bejumpa.. huhuhu lagi banyak cerita kali? Took pictures here and there..sejarah tah ku tu mengambil gambar be TIMER. hahahahaha.. won’t really delve in to this lah..haha but it’d be interesting to see how the picture turns out..camera tahun 90han kali ah 🙂

This morning..Abang was supposed to join me for squash at the stadium..skali antah tido tia kali. nda papa you’re forgiven. baik jua aku ani forgibing bah bang eh. inda deep. 😛 so it was just me and Ghah playing tadi. We had the courts all to ourselves.Spent a full hour playing before heading off for Lunch at Happy Dean..we have somewhat developed this addiction for happy dean’s mango chicken rice since the start of summer.. and since its the closest to the courts..why not kan? and plus the roads leading to happy dean don’t really pack up during lunch time..easy access..hassle free. no mess. no parking headaches..no honk here honk there..no orang inda bagi jalan sini ..no orang inda bagi jalan sana..no “ku langgar kau karang bay*” there.. no “ku langgar kau karang baY*” there..he he he.

Followed Ghah home.. i had a slight problem tadi..forcing me to shower at her place. rumah kami inda belaing dari dimalam (ani ada sudah pulang) I was in luck cos baby Wafiq was there. G’s 9 month old nephew. Cutest little thing. He was watching Rollie Pollie Ollie with much concentration while G fed him his lunch. Baby mana concentrate meliat tv ani dulu??? hahaaha.

skali.. kami ke huaho mall cari sweat pants..they didn’t have what G was looking for.. so we proceeded to the huaho at yayasan..

Yeah. i had my camera with me explains me being rajin in the visual aid department. huhuhu. ah shit. i fucked up the allignment of my post. ee. whatever nda lagi ku pandai ngusai. anyway,lapas atu..kami ke dome cos we both were craving for the squashed frog. i was able to enjoy my drink in peace. the fucker of a chocolate frog stealer has left for UK.

i love chocolate freddos. those koala caramellos are heaven pun.. reminds me of my boarding school days where we used to sell them in boxes for charity…and how we got fat as a result of buying the whole box for ourselves..naturally we ate it sendiri lah..at the end of the semester semua pun mcm BOX usul kami haha..

had a nice day out with Ghah. thanks babes.see you tommorow for squash.i lovey dovey you.

the end.

ps: everyone’s on a hissy fit. Its that time of the month again.

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