This afternoon, Rahim pestered me to take him and my cousins to the Economy mart on Jalan Jangsak. “Kaka Siti, karang buleh bawa kami arah kadai 1.80” since i had nothing to do..i might as well kan. asked him wat they wanted to get they told me they just wanted to check out this huge ass racing car that just came in a few weeks ago. so i was like okay lah why not kan? SKALI NAH. APA NAH SEBENARNYA DURANG KAN BALI?? Masuk kadai they all rushed for the toy section and help themselves out on a selection of Airguns. aih. marah ku doesnt really approve of airguns in the house.. hahaha but yeah i didn’t have the heart to stop them so i told them to knock themselves out.boys will be boys lah..

Went for icecream afterwards. originally wanted to go to that Lena ice cream manufacturer place in Beribi but the place was closed. we’ve been going there for those plastic casing icecreams since forever. anyway, sudahnya tutup ke Musdin saja kami kadai lingka atas bukit ah.. huhu. I dared rahim to walk in to the kedai wearing this Batman mask he bought for one dollar earlier..and he did. hahahahaaha. cheap thrill banar eh. shudve seen the look on their faces when my brother walked in..mcm kan ketawa ada jua..macam tekajut ada jua..hahah beraneka neka wajah kali ah
just finished watching “Anak” this (according to the vcd casing) NO 1. FILIPINO BLOCKBUSTER. haha wayang penuh drama. my eyes are still red from watching it.. haha.
anyway mau mandi sikalang.
kiss me.