a day of gags.

Officer:- bah tulistah nama anak kita dalam senarai anie..

Lady:- writes down all of her children’s name.8 orang anak. all of the 8 children had different surnames.

Officer:- *looks at wat she has written down in bewilderment* napa ya lain lain nama bapanya ani?

Lady:- ih. ampat bah laki ku.

officer:- AI ampat? cana buleh atu buajah???? dapatkan?

Lady:- *raises an eye brow* * says in thick kedayan accent* ..IDA IDA BAH, PALUI.

bore my self to sleep the whole afternoon waiting for Bonita to text me. Bad news when she finally texted. PLans of meeting up in the afternoon for coffee was cancelled. So i decided to go over to my Nini’s place and pay her and my baby cousin naqiyyah a visit. Had dinner and stopped by the pasar malam to get dad’s order of KALUPIS and Pulut Panggang. Ive been going to the pasar malam alot lately..not that im complaining pulang. i actually really enjoy going there..watching chicken wings grilled to perfection is an ideal nite out for me. huhu.

Had to cancel out on Livie tadi..sorry babes. maybe friday? i only got home around 8 tadi. so i tot it was too late sudah to see you guys.im catching BUli balik tommorow in the afternoon if anyone else wants to join 😛 Got a call from Bon around 9ish to meet up for dinner at Manjaro with the rest of the clan. that was good..finally got to see Bon who i have missed oh so very much…it was the same old shit lah with them ra6..jokes on ciggarettes and tissues..sent me roaring with laughter that i almost choked myself to death. Listening to them ramble on and on on how ciggarettes could be put for other ‘use’ almost made me say goodbye to rokok forever. kamu MIHIR if u want to quit i suggest you call Mizan or Abang lah… but yeah..all in the name of good-innocent fun kan? Played a few rounds of Tunit at Chills before heading home.

it has been a long day.. waking up at 7 tommorow to go to the hospital.

im gonna surrender and tuck myself in to bed.

good nite kamu.

kiss me.

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