missing melbourne today.

It’s not that i can’t wait to go back.. and it’s not that i CAN wait to go back either. Im having mixed feelings..you know the drill. Woke up today missing Melbourne berabis. Today’s the 25th and ive been back for 3 months.. One more month to go.. less – that is if i decide to go back middle of February just so that i can prepare myself for the school term.Im holding on to Brunei with my legs while uni’s pulling me from the right and the problems that i left behind pulls me from the left. It was good being able to run from them for awhile..but i knew from the start that i was going to have to face them sooner or later. My 2006 hasn’t officially kicked off yet. Nope. 2006 for me only begins in Melbourne..cause thats where all the petty headaches starts and curing it will be even more of an excruciating process.

I just took the last sip of my morning coffee..bleugh..pahit. needless to say that you shudnt drink the last sip of coffee from the cup as it’s all grit. this after taste will last me till lunch nie. Anyway, im off to play you-know-what in a bit. Just waiting for this usher song (nice & slow) im downloading to finish.





101% (ih ada lagi tu..hehe..)

kiss me.

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