Brownies by Sas

As you guys may have heard, Ranoadidas will be throwing his 6th year blog anniversary at the ICENTRE on the 12th of June 2009 (this coming friday!). In which he will be launching a new pimped-out version of his website in all of its glory. I,along with the other online cakeries such as Kitchen of Jasmine and Citscakes will be having booths, baring our creations on the day. It will be opened to the public between 3:30pm- Onwards! So if you have nothing to do on the day..drop by lah. siapa siapa keraja atu, BERANTI tah keraja.. hahaha datang awal!! Kalau boss inda menyuruh awal keluar gtau ja, ANAK SI HARUN suruh awal datang ja mun inda nda ampit BAULU.

like ive posted earlier, i would be selling my:-
– Original Swiss Chocolate Brownies
– Original Swiss Chocolate Brownies with Peanut Butter Cups
– Original Swiss Chocolate Brownies with Nuts (almonds and hazelnut)

and will also be introducing (limited numbers) of BLONDIES such as
– Swiss White Chocolate Blondies
– Rich Peanut Butter Blondies topped with Daim and (more) Peanut Butter ganache.

just incase you guys were wondering.. this is what awaits you:-

Peanut Butter Blondie topped with Peanut butter ganache and DAIM bits.

in other news, ive been spending my time alot in the kitchen lately experimenting with my newly found oh-so-called talent. Last Saturday, i spent the whole day in the kitchen conjouring up a birthday cake for my friend Melati (who turned *cough*21*cough*). After much contemplation, i decided to make her a simple Yellow Cake..topped off with a thick layer of Belgium chocolate Ganache. I realised that i wasnt exactly the Martha Stewart of cake decorating, but i thought the cake didn’t look too shabby….well, compared to that time when i attempted making Addi a birthday mountain of butterscotch Croqumbouche which came out more like a disastrous AVALANCHE of profiteroles.. [insert gasps of horror here] !

The Yellow Cake with Ultra rich belgium chocolate ganache.

esents + CAKE.

anyway, gonna go prepare for tommorrow’s baking session. catch me at the icentre friday okay? 🙂

kiss me.

One thought on “Brownies by Sas

  1. hi sas,
    I’m a fan of ur brownies…yum yum…taisliur ku kn mencuba ur blondies ah i lap white choc….hahahha….btw lawa bju mu ah…heheehhe…cheers.. 🙂

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