“jogging ku nie. jan ku dikacau” huhuhu.
Saturday morning..was at the squash courts from 9 till noon.Coach had us vigirously trained all morning..gila men..can;t remember the last time i went for training.. well actually i can..i just can’t remember how many times the coach told us to come early in the mornings and we end up being asked to do solo drills pasal ya ‘sibok’ . putting it in to another words ‘coach malas berabis kan mengajar pasal coach ani andang orang yang pemalas in the world’. To have him finally train us after a LONGGG time was good lah. looking forward to Monday..hopefully ya inda ‘sibok’. pasal kalau ya ‘sibok’ membari banci tia.
Caught up with my girls Ghah ,Zari,Liana and their friends Pino,Akramin and Zainul tadi at daprils before meeting up with LIVIE,Ede,Nick and Ben at coffee zone. awu kamu BOSS BASAR balik sudahhhhhhhhhh.. surprise surprise! we’ll meet up again soon lah k, and we shall take lots and lots of pictures, walk down memory lane togeder geder. looking forward to more repeated stories on how i used to fall asleep ALOT in Malay class..and the fun ‘walks; we had to the kopitiam.huhuhu.. and how Nick used to be the biggest bully in school..more like the biggest asshole in school. good thing he grew out of it ah? hahaahaha. im saying this with love nick. with love. hahaha.
Joined.. ok. Bon,Mimi,Azeez,Mizan,Abang,SEXY LIPS & Nur for dinner at saffron. Its true about the excellent reviews ive been hearing on the Pavlova. simply delicious lah.. i think its better den the one from Vintage Rose. Generous servings of strawberry sauce too. just my cup of tea 🙂 (sandi yo time uzur)skali.sugar and spice. for GRAPE SUGUS & Tunit and of course the highlight of the night THE DARE..*puckers lips* all in all i had a good night lah.. was with good company the whole way. tengs beri beri guys. love u bon. love u mi. me and you~ forever and ever~
my day has been quite fruitful lah. hahaha. next week inda jalan. next week stay home jadi good girl.
argh. i have a wedding to go to tommorow.
nya babu nya sedia tah awal2.
kana bunyikan sudah kana suruh membari hadiah.
kul brapa tah ku bangun nie?
kiss me.
ps: oh si abang ckp ya inda baca blog ku lagi pasal aku DEEP. HOW IS THIS DEEP BANG AH? CUBATAH? HAHAHA!!
pps: G, kenapa now everytime i say your name that song “tempted to touch” comesin to mind? hehe tempted to touch tempted to touch..~ tempted to touch~ hug me hug me kiss me kiss me hug m hug me