la dee da dee daa..
i do not have anything to blog about anymore. everyday its the same routine. squash. balik.jalan balik.mandi. jalan..skali..isuknya sama jua tu eh kamu eh. squash balik jalan balik mandi makan jalan balik jalan besalin balik jalan lagi kana balik marah bapa. lusa pun catu jua squash jalan balik eksen mengampu rah bapa patangnya supaya malam buleh bejalan, tidur, baca buku, malam JALAN, balik..biasalah. kana marah lagi lah. he he he.
My uncle’s wedding is tommorow..and ive finally found the tailor of my dreams. I got my baju potong at gypsy and im satisfied lah with the cutting and everything. Ive been going to my mum’s tailors for years and for YEARS i end up wearing all these baju kurong that makes me look twice as big..gila men.. so this year i know where to go to potong baju kurong lah.. anyway. yes. my baju for tommorow’s wedding is oredi ready. huhu. and im hepi.
Street Soccer .. SUCKS. I tried it out skajap.. lari2 ambil bula..gugur lagi malar tu. mcm wasdafaks. football is a rough game man.. i donno how these girls can play lah.. mana lagi takut teguris rah simin? mana lagi takut terujoh? gila banar jua. i enjoy watching people play but when it comes to me myself playing.. “sorry naik lorry lah ah” spent most of that thursday afternoon sitting down on the side of the parking lot with a packet of twisties watching my cousins and siblings play. BERJAYA banar.
Was supposed to meet up with ghah and the girls lastnite at dome..skalinya ujan so inda jadiii but Nad58,dyll came over for a karaoke session last nite. tried turning nad in to a girl lah by applying a tiny bit of eyeliner on her..though to no avail.. hahaha i then tried tying a pink ribbon around a head to make her look all girly in her shorts and oversized tshirt.. )that read, MAKE.ME.CUM gila kali. baik jua babu ku inda nampak)she looked like a PRINCESS for awhile..(princess apa inda plang ku tau tu) until the song “superstar” came on the karaoke. abis ancur. ribin antah kemana. eyeliner antah kemana. GAYA antah kemana. haha. played a few rounds of tunit before they all went home.
its 0745. im up early today.
squash at 9.
kiss me.
Tag Replies:-
Izzah; Tennis ball? huhuhuhu. bula kamu banyak ilang kah? payah jua inda pandai main ani ah *sigh* bah aku bawa sunday. text me again.
Tina: hahahaha awu aku ada lagunya. tapi cana kan send arah mu?? i think i love you~ lalala coz i miss you~ but full house is nothing compared to Stairway to Heaven.. i highly recommend you to watch it.
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