Squash cancelled.

BLEUGH.. Ren can’t make it for squash, G cancelled… and kel has driving lessons at 10. SQUASH FOR THURSDAY 19th of JAN 2006 has officially been cancelled. UNLESS kel’s still up for it later but im highly doubtful..i bet she’d be pretty tired after her one hour lesson. Takes a hell lot of concentration lah when it comes to driving a manual.. apa lagi under pressure..under the hot sun.. so yeah whatever lah we’ll just see how how brown cow

song of the day :- Korean OST FULL HOUSE : i think i love you.

ok. banar Nadz. lawa ceritanya. its addictive. tapi can i ask again? kenapa kan STAR nya mesti kurus mcm cicak ubin atu???? y can’t he be all muscles like that Hyuk guy. why can’t HE be the main character in the series??? ah. kusut ku. star nya kurus ah. emsem plang tapi.

kan main squash ku eh. *kusut*


kiss me.

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