My little pony.

I got a surprise text from my-little-pony-boy today. Went out for drinks. His treat. which was awfully sweet of him.. haha. wait no. it only means that i owe him the next time around. chet. haha. but it was good..and banar u do remind me alot of afdlin shauki. huhuhu. we’ll do it again soon k? wait till the rest comes back from uh..wherever.

Dropped by mufakat to get me one of those knee gear things..then straight to ubd for tennis with iZzah,kaka nya, aizah.. sama amni. dyll came along pun. and im telling you.. im loving tennis berabisnya in the world. trying out street soccer tommorow. ill keep you people posted on how it goes la haha. soccer’s never my thing but there’s no harm in trying kan? hahaha.. anyway siok la tennis abit like squash only outdoors.. and a bigger ball. bigger raquet..bigger court.. everything lah actually nya.. tapi siok siok siok siok. siapa mau sponsor tennis raquet? 😉 (sama ubd siok. banyak hot boys haha..mikin lagi siok kan?)

oh im a walking punch bag now. ive got bruises all over from playing squash. the balls seems to be hitting me in every direction la. ke paha ada ke lutut ada ke shoulders ada.. semua lah ijau biru. sigh. mcm traffic light. hehe.

k anyway im off kan mandi,semayang..lapas atu liat cerita KOREA full house!!!!!!!

haha emsem star nya. ganya kurus. cam cicak ubin. yang mcm cicak ubin atu yang alai inda suka tu..


kiss me~~~~ mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh~

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