GILA KALI PESEN DULU2 atu. YATAH KAN KU PAKAI KE PROM NIE. BAIK JUA INDA SAMPAT. AI GILAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa. was rummaging thru my closet ariatu with bon..hahahahaha..i cant believe i still have it. This was bought off a cousin’s cousin for $40bucks back in 98. AI GILA GILA GILA. hahahahaahahahahahaahahaha . lol. yes. believe it or not i was a size SIX then. hahahahaha.
shit. arimau lagi tu. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. hahahaahahaha/ me and bon. we just kudnt stop laughing kan lapas atu? lol.
kiss me.