hehehehe..i find you sweet.

Ruffedge – Sehari Dalam Sejarah

aku suka lagu ani pasal ya sweet.

just got back from squash. might be playing again this afternoon at UBD with the girls. i dont know. plans of watching Baik Punya Cilok has been moved to tommorow nite. cant wait. hehe 😛 Managed to catch up with some sleep, sending me flying in the squash courts this morning. I was pumped up berabis for squash and it showed in my swing. I can hit the ball hard now!! woohoo thanks to Jules lah. its good practice playing with boys pasal they tend to hit the ball hard and after a while u kinda get the hang of it.. and if ure not happy with losing everytime u can always smash the ball right in to their faces.which i accidentally did to Jules the other day. hahaha. diri atu jua main langap2., Took Ghah with me.. and she enjoyed it. Will play again when she comes back from KL. all in all i had a good morning. KFM for lunch. as per usual. Jule’s leaving sunday 🙁 now that driving lesson’s taking up most of kel’s time.. it’ll be difficult to find someone to play with me in the mornings. and plus everyone’s back in school sudah

no plans for tonite. meeting with Nad and dylla kali later after tahlil. oh i dont know. ill just go with the flow lah today. kana mesej jalan inda kana mesej dirumah saja. kami ada astro. eheh jadinya. oh and Lish. yes ive moved. this is my new home now. courtesy of Livieish.org/my mummy who’s gonna bring back lots and lots of kit kat chunky when she comes back end of this month. hahahahahahahaha. i love you liv.

where’s ede ah? havent seen him since i got back from Dubai. i kinda miss the lil bugger..

ok kamu. im off. gonna go mandi..freshen up a little bit..

apa ada vcd industan baru ah?

kiss me.


Met up with zam at cz. he beri nice coz He let me play wit his SLR.. his beri beri expensip kemera (that has made its way on my wishlist for 2006).it was damn cool man. sakai ku. kludnt stop taking pictures of anything that was in view.. *cough Nad,Dyl,Angie,Chooch and Far on the next table* hahahaha played a few rounds of taiti with them girls before going home for tahlil.. ani ujan inda kana suruh jalan. raincheck for drinks zah. sorry. and i have no credit to reply. u wan buy po me? love u.

My girl ee, squash tommorow jpc. join?

hanya karnaaaaaaaaaa

karna cintaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

kau beri padaku sepenuhnyaaa

buat ku slali merasa..


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