Plastacine sam Rumah Nini Boy

Nini Boy: Cu, Apa abarnya cu.

Me: baik ni.

Nini Boy: alhamdulillah.. cu, kalau drive atu bisai bisai ah..ikut peraturan.

Me: awu Ni. Ni mana ampau?

Nini Boy: *senyum showing off his two missing front teeth*

Was in Delima satu today visiting my grandparents. Stopped by Bismi to get some stationary. I know im not starting school in another 2 months but what the heck kan. mana terasa nie. might as well get a head start on it now. Besides, shopping for stationary is plenty of fun. At bismi. i came across this whole row of plastacine that came in assorted colours. Ah. brought me down memory lane. I remember back in Kindy where bringing your own block of plastacine was considered as a novelty. I mean to those who cant afford barbies and hotwheels there were plastacine. I remember moulding my share in to all these shapes and animals.. mostly cats lah cause it was the also came in handy when we were playing masak masak.. haha.. where the ‘Mama’ in our group wud cut a chunk of plastacine with the help of a ruler in to ‘biscuits’ and lay them out neatly on excercise books to be served to the ‘anak anak’ and ‘BAPA’ hahaha. those were the good old days kan? If i remember correctly it used to be 60 cents kali a block now its like seringgit labih..and it smells a tad funny pun..almost like the smell of whitechocolate gone bad. I have this habbit of smelling things.. i associate these smells with memories and emotions ..and sometimes images. Yatah tadi i was smelling out the plastacine tarus BLANK UTAKKU AYONG. cawie baunya do! ah. bleugh. hahaha. ke lihir!! i was tryina keep my food down the whole time after that.

Tapi kan ..kenapa game atu inda dipanggil ‘main mummy mummy?’ or ‘main ummi ummi’? or..’main babu babu’ kenapa mesti jua ‘main mama mama’ i remember getting yelled at when i started calling my mum ‘mama’ instead of ‘babu’. haha pier pressurewah tu. bilang urang manggil mamanya mama.

anyway, i received this funny funny raya text this morning.. “TAHNIAH ANDA TERPILIH UNTUK KATEGORI:SEHAT,KULIT BERSIH,GIGI BAIK & Cukup Umur, anda akan diambil dari rumah. Nantikan KAMI dari AJK KORBAN SURAU. SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA” Zy. kurang asam banar BOYPREN mu atu ah! hahaha. baik jua singgan fun bread ganya. next time ja emperous court eh! hahahaa.

didnt go anywhere apart from visiting my grandparents on both dad’s and mom’s side ..i did dropped by huaho to get blankcds on the way home.. and bought Jamie cullum’s cetak rompak album for my car. my car seriously needs nu songs man. None of the cds i bought kemarin worked.. penipu BE SELLER ani banar..(ni musti kena bedal men!) ngaleh saja kue. eh inda..

oh shit. my phone just rang.

panjang umur si yuy nelipun.

mari kita bedal la!!

hehe… oh aku suka lagu radja – Jujur. they’re a bit KAMPUNGAN..but mind you sound nya lawa. huhuhu. mad vocals i tell you.

ah. kamu. BILA OPEN HOUSE? huhuhuhu. si Wang ee lah. ey wang ee raya aji ani inda kau open house kah? hehehe.

yes this bubble gum ive been chewing on dari tadi is putting me in a cheerful mood. 3 buting ku ngap in one go. MANIS kali ah MANIS. suga high.. huhuhu.

kiss me.

Ps: kalau ku buatkan nini boy ku gigi pakai plastacine ok kah? hehe

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