‘Sweets’// love just goes on and on and on..

ouph. jiwa jiwa malam anie eh. inda telawan malam lain. haha. all these random songs are popping up on my windows media player. was just downloading a couple of classic lovey dovey tracks off friendster the other day.

Voices of theory : Say it // You know that i want to say it~ you know that i need to say it~ you know that i want to say it. but love just goes on and on and on.. wud love to see Marul Sal and Sanny perform this song one day. tunggu tah. you guys group together skali do me nah and nadz by putting a private ‘show’ for us..with everything on of course. hahaha.

Dakota Moon – Promise i Make .. who kud ever lupa this one? it goes something like.. and baby maybe i..dont say it as often as i should.. bout i really want to be heard. when i say i love you thats for good… *heart failure*

hmm.. what else..

East 17 feat Gabrielle. Who kud ever forget the slightly mcm melantik tone on “hello?” . The very first time..that i saw your brown eyes..my lips said hellok. haha. hellok yaw. HELLOK..and i said Hiii~~

and then there’s that remake of Hard to Say im Sorry by Azyet.. oo oo and Boyz II men’s i care about you? and Babyface’s everytime i close my eyes? Martin’s Who? Keith Martin’s Because of you ..sama Someone Like You? and Jonb’s tuamor?? im going down memory lane. i tell you. hahaha. ironically, Neyo’s so sick is playing now. haha.

So sick of love songs.

so sick of tears/

so done of wishin you are still here..

so why can’t i turn off the radio?

ya ah. why cant i turn off the radio?

nuff of that. just got back from tunit and chotaiti at chills. Sent Nadz off to the airport earlier. yeap. my girl nad has left the building. mana inda ku menahan aing mata kan. bukannya apa. takut te smudge sirabanu kue. hahahaha. SAw faces i havent seen in ages. Tina 🙂 Izzah 🙂 Amni 🙂 dll. Hung out with my Girl Eee, Sal and Marul for a while tadi in the evening.. esok tani main squash. and marul..happy going to the laut.. 🙂 it was the usual faces for tunit. rano came just when i was about to balik. jinx. hahahaha. 😉

okay dokes. its been a long day. doubt im allowed to go anywhere tommorow.Squash however will be an acception. 😉

i kissy wissy you.

you kissy wissy me.

kiss me.

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