screw you.
fuck. wat is it called. ah. WordPress. kicks ass. Loving this uploading menu. really saves me time from all the manual ftp uploading i have to do. Thanks Liv. much appreciated! altho it will take me sometime to get used to it. my host livie rocks.,.rock batu yaw.
*rahim garu garu mata baru tidur*
Rahim: main sudah bula pa?
Pa: balum kajap lagi kali.
Me: apa lawan?
Rahim: liverpool.
Me: ah lawan apa?
Bapa: sumbiling.
Its been a long day. Woke up at ten and drove all the way jerudong for a few games of squash with mr julian hassan (his real name by the way) i still remember those days where we used to go for tuition together and i kept on calling him hassan instead of julian. the dude just went psycho..cringing..his hands flying everywhere telling me off. “eee bukan HASSAN wah JULIAN! JULIAN JULIAN” haha inda payah touching.anyway yes. ive been waking up dead early in the mornings to commute from where-i-live to Jpcc just to play squash with him. He is what i’d hate my self not to call one of those HIGH MAINTENANCE punks MEN (with love nie jules, so dont take offence and im not calling u gay either). Had lunch at K.F.M. this place right opposite goodview hotel in Jerudong. The food’s really not all that bad.. prices pun not bad either.. skali chef nya hensem. hahaha. so yeah. K.F.M if you want their $1mini cakois. highly recommended by my Iring Laki, iring BVini, angah laki angah bini, si jajah, si mimah sama si Kel
went home to freshen up before meeting up with my cousins and bestfriend at Coffee zone kiuluvs. that was fun. melbourne girls “together-again” punya session. ah. reliving the chapl st days and how we used to take cabs everywhere and charged the fares to our boarding school accounts. hahaha.
Hopefully i wud be able to catch up with Zee before she balik uk next week..and im definitely making it a point to see Nad tommorow who’ll be on her way back to england monday. aiyawh/ so many things to do. so little time. Skali in the evening i caught up with Nad58, Angela and Dyll for a few rounds of charades hahaha lest just say i amused them with my performing arts skills 😛 and bumped in to alai and her cousins pun and joined them for a short catching up session afterwards. *omg my back hurts lah* Marul who surprised me with his presence the other day at chills pun came to join our group of girls tadi. orang atu nya inda kan balik. haha 😉 nevertheless thanks for coming out to see me even tho u tried calling balik2 skali inda te tambus sal telipun ku abis batt. haha thanks for checking to see if i was at cz anyway.. esok tani ronda2 again.
skali balik.
now. Last nite was interesting. Bon i just had to put this up. THIS GIRL WAS ON FIRE. yes.those who know me know how cocky i can get when it comes to winning something. and it just so happens ahem ahem that i was winning in tunit the whole time i was playing last nite ;). took me a while to get over the excitement..jarang kali ah? slalunya aku jadi tukang cuci..pecacai tua pengangkat najis. hahahaha. balik pun kul 12:30. sengaja lagi tu inda mentop up supaya inda kana cari bapa. winning stike kali ah? hahaha. but yeah..*angkat trophy* lihatlah dunia. lihatlah dunia..saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada mentor saya.. ya itu..saudara Mizan, abang dan saudari Bonita yang telah banyak membimbing saya didalam bidang ini.. ya ya ya da da da..ok. its the coffee talking.
anyway. yes. was chilling out with them lagi last nite. Was at Huaida’s bbq thing before that. Sawit eh married couple atu eh. hahaha. Dah. kau sama laki mu beutang kami lagu SENJA NAN MERAH tu ah. hahahaaha.
oh. i want to watch BAIK PUNYA CILOK.
siapa mau dangani? my sisters and cousins have all seen it already leaving me with no one to go with. cheh. k
kamu inda kesian aku kah?
kiss me.