Spent the day in Miri with Angah Binz and Angah Lakz. Aside from stopping to eat every 1 milli second..I can’t really recall what else i did there…i think i might’ve even ROLLED all the way home. Oh well, it’ll come back to me tommorow.
as for now, i need to catch up on much needed sleep..
kiss me.
PS:asal jumpa kana label asal jumpa kana label. It really makes me think twice of who my real friends are. kalau ku kan LABEL kau bah, banyak kan ku LABEL.. mcm BULLY, HYPOCRITE.. etc,etc..tapi aku ani nda penyampai hati.
baik ke miri inda soun soun, aku atu kan bekirim seluar katak renoma, heheh inda wah.. hi CT, lama na kedangaran, mana ko kan? betapa kah?? huhu
Goodnight Ti. LOL. I miss you already. ehhh siok jua kau ke Miri. sudah ku nada barutah kamu ke Miri. EHHH TIIIII. I LOBEEEE YOUUUUH. Why is it so black?
hey babes.. didn’t really wanna kacau you.. i know how tiring miri trips can be.. hopefully next weekend then.. bawa si tina tarus 🙂
Awu ah..kanapakan tue kana label atu?
jgn marah2 bh dang siti krg ilang kiut! bah jadi ketani bejumpa ani hehehe 😀