Touched base in brunei lastnite. I seem to have caught conjunctivitis while watching a dude talking about CHICKEN POK in kids on RTM. At that time my left eye was just itchy. It was only 20 minutes later that i realised that the lining was swollen. bloody hell. i always get this everytime i’m back.. its either i get ampus. or itchy eyes or the sniffles OR a combination of AMPUS and the SNIFFLES ataupun ITCHY EYES AND the sniffles .. berasin saja berasin. its probably a kind of hay fever kali. My doctor tells me that i’m allergic to brunei. i think so too lah. boring eh mataku ani. cana tah kan bejalan ni. tinglur.
Pukul brapa kan kelinik di brunei ani buka?
eh kel si Hari ingat aku.
Jimah. mana kau? call me.
Ren. telipun ku. telipun rumah. aku kan mau main squash.
Hi Shaz,
Its anna (V’s Sis). Welcome back… kesian jua dengar you about your itchy eyes… baru jua kan balik brunei.. anywhere, get well soon.
Wo… you’re back in Brunei. I might see you on Saturday then for the BruOz Games. 🙂 See ya then..
Si amal balik jua?
Kau inda mau balas messess ku.. 🙁 Aku blayar esok malam..
Welcome back and welcome to the club of i-get-sick-when-i-go-back-to-Brunei-for-the-summer.
I just recovered from a 2 week long coughing fit. I got most of my voice back though. But these things ruin my short holidays nontheless, spoiling the party. Get well and cyu for the bbq!
Anna: thank you!!
Alyaaa: inda babe. ya buat summer
Wangee:- Me too!! balik wah!!
Airul: hahaha bah see yaz!