Nawa surprised me with Apple Strudel last night. Nahil, the brother is moving here from Perth he arrived melbourne last night with my favourite brand of Apple Studel. This is probably the best Apple Strudel in the Apple Strudel planet. Can’t get them anywhere but Perth so we usually either have friends pre-order them for us or have bestfriends like Nawa , Nadia and Nahil to bring it down from Perth.
I notice that the ones that we preorder, by the time it gets to us they are usually already a few days old. But this one Nahil brought still looks like it just got out of the oven. The glaze on top is still intact and is still of a transparent consistency. You’d know that a strudel is OLD if the glaze starts turning white and flaky but this one is BEAUTIFUL. huhuhu. I know Bapa would enjoy this with his afternoon coffee.
kiss me.
test. test. is it working now?
yah nyaman tu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#@!$@%#^!!
aiii alai suka tu… sia sia pun…
nowhere else but perth pas! hahaha bekirim ku setandan.
ka zian, lainkali alai suapi abang ah 😉
NYAMAN BERABIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHY DON’T THEY MAKE STRUDELS LIKE THAT IN MELBOURNE?! Grr. Hahahaha, oh and oh, I tried to comment on your post about how your waist is getting smaller etc etc, but couldn’t but my theory (lol) is that because you’re doing yoga, you’re like getting toner hence your body looks smaller! Lucky you! I did yoga once and I HATED IT.
Awu yatah bah…aku pun taisliur meliat…nyums…Corica i miss u…wahahaa! Vanilla slice nya pun nyaman tu shaz! Sia sia pun eh..takut ku temimpi mimpi ni…
O btw..corica ada franchise d jakarta. P not as good as d perth lah. Nyaman lagi yg Ori hehehe sehingga menjilat jari.
Oh my. You’re making me so hungry on this cold and rainy night.
Nully, awu i was told ada and they also say inda nyaman. i heard it has closed down sudah. huhuhu. sorry eh inda plang kau temimpi mimpi kan strudel. mimpi2 kan aku saja 😉
Mani: hahaha They’re all GONE punk.
Sha: hahaha SORRY.
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