Another day of Bikrem. I thought i did better yesterday than i did today. We went for the 6am class this morning.. i think it was due to the fact that i was tossing and turning on the couch in my sleep kali. PANAS AHHHHHHHHHHH. kusut ku. KIPAS KU LAGI RUSAK.. ada orang atu be utang aku KIPAS. huhuhu. anyway, yea. my lack of sleep probably effected my performance in yoga today. lol. another thing was that everytime i bent down to ikut any of the legs my arms apa semuanya BEBUNYI. lol. it got to a point where i was so embarassed of my whole body CRACKING that i stopped and just lied down.
Melbourne’s heating up and flies are in abundance. GALIKU. mcm kan bejalan pun ku inda sanggup pasal belalat!!!!
lol. i complain about the flies every other summer. tapi banar. the flies here they stick to your face..making you look like a walking ad for UNICEF. It’s so unbearable that we usually give up walking and hitch a tram to go the city. It just gets too much for me to handle. huhu. The heat i can stand, but the flies..oh.. the flies. i feel like getting one of those hats yang tarus ada NET?
WHy are there so many flies here ah? di brunei Panas jua. nda jua banyak lalat. jangan saja kamu be raban ayam blakang rumah kamu..atu banar tu. banyak tu lalat..(speaking from experience) huhu. but usually..jarang pun. Are the streets of melbourne sebenarnya really2 kutur kah?
I’m so missing winter now.
ive got nothing planned out today. Tennis has been canceled. I’m not sure if im meeting up with Gracia for drinks anymore.
its HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kiss me.
I don’t get why the lalats here are so buduh. Like you can catch them and put like twenty inside a Mount Franklin bottle and they are HEUGE! 😀
ohhh wa sukak oh wa sukak. mcm menyindir saja. AMBIL TIA KIPAS KU AH..
i guess the whole of australia ani andang2nya musim lalat membiak time summer. its nt just melbourne other states as well. hate them lalats..
Does anyone ever kiss you when you say “kiss me”?
Haha, lain jua comment ku tu.
hahaha tina, awu nada. but thank u. hahahaha. sebenarnya aku nda plang mau kana kiss. kira pengan bah. tapi kalau kiss dari kau aku mau. huhuhuhu
dee, awu yatah kenapakan lalat disini ani catu. huhu.
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