CALLING ALL and i mean ALL: Past, Present and Future students of Australia as well as FRIENDS of Past,Present and Future students of Australia to come to the BBQ ICE BREAKER next weekend. Tickets are only 5 bucks PEOPLE so pick up your slipar jipun , kaca mata itam and seluar yengki and JOIN US. huhuhu.
To those who are still contemplating to come to Australia to study, this would be a great opportunity to mingle around the more ‘experienced’ Brunei-ozzies to find out where in Australia you should be STUDYING. *cough* melbourne *cough*. hahahaha. Details are as follows:-
IM GOING TO BE THERE. If that helps. LOL. I’ll be 5 bucks poorer but i know its going to be worth it.
DATANG AH. DATANG. DATANG. DATANG. Siapa inda datang, ya anak…. si Mani sama si Sami sama si Veejay.
kiss me.
ps: i just realised the 22nd is a working day. heh. the only solution to that is for you to tell your boss that you are going “MINUM”.
I ees going. I ees! 😀
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haha. tii. kalau aku datang tapi aku mau bawa si beejay jua buleh kah?
aku mau datang pun!
Bah Jimah. Tapi I’ll be there in ‘spirit’ saja la ah hehe. Aku d Bris masih ni keraja so m berry suriii. Siok eh! Ti Balik ko kah!? J ku brabis. Sampai bila ko balik ani? Manatawu sampat berchangkerama nanti hewhew
non seti i’ll be there w spirits. huhu. gak deh. tapi support banget ama usaha kamu.
HAHAHA ketara inda mbaca post atu banar2. Suri Jimah luan konfiden. Ti! Kan balik ku! Tapi inda biarchia hen-joy ku lu.
ah…? Time keraja kah tu? Adei..
Kakaaa.. kakaaa balekk itu barunai ka ini chooti summa?
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