
pasal injek pun orang ani kan marah.i dont usually go to the HYS page on Brudirect but when i do, id usually go all the way by clicking on the MALAY section. hahaahaahahahaha. lagi drama!!!

mcm orang ani..

June 17, 2011 – 7:41 am by Ambuyat Sagu
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Masa tahun lepas bapaku ani binjik umrah, kali tahun ani ia kan umrah lagi. Lepas atu, masa ia kana suruh masuk di bilik injik atu ia minta laki-laki untuk menginjik ia sal ia berwudu time atu. So pasal atu lah ia nda mau bini-bini menginjik. Tambahan lagi yang sedihnya laki-laki yang selalu menginjik ia inda lagi ada. Pasal semua tukang injiknya ani bini-bini yang kaja di sana atu. Sebelum-sebelumnya ada seorang tukang injik lelaki inda tau2 pekerja bini-bini di sana membagi tahu arah bapaku ani yang tukang injik laki-laki atu pindah sudah ke KB. Jadinya pohon kami kalau buleh mesti ada tukang injik laki-laki di ong sum ping atu, mun inda payah eh. Tambahan lagi ada baiknya tukang injik laki-laki di sana atu untuk menginjik orang yang berwudhu, mudim-mudim, orang-orang yg request lelaki lah. Kami berharap kepada pihak yang berkenaan mempertimbangkan lagi dan baiktah biskita ambil balik tukang injik lelaki atu ……

hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahhaa…aku tau plang tukang injik laki2..tapi ya tukang injik kucingg!!!!

kiss me.

When in Indonesia…

Me: nau, is it safe to travel alone by cab in Jakarta?
Nauli: yes..should be. kamu ambil saja taksi Blue Bird
Me: yes that’s what ive been using, yang Silver Bird juga bagus kan?
Nauli: wooh, ya apa lagi Silver Bird..lagi mahal lagi bagus lah.
me: ok.. so its safe?
Nauli: ya..pokoknya di INDONESIA apa apa aja yang ada BIRD itu BAGUS.

click. for more info on the best bird in Jakarta.


i am so the very lah to the very very very kalat mata. i miss home and the people in it. i think i was only in Brunei for a week this month. Come to think of it, i shouldve just gone somewhere near for my holidays. Not saying that Melbourne was a waste of time, but i had chosen the wrong month to go totally oblivious to the fact that it was winter in Australia.

Craving blueberry pancakes. craving alot of things now. especially sleep. it’s the 2nd day of my datang moon.. and i’m totally trippin. i feel like ive been up for weeks when i actually went to bed at 10 last night. maybe the fact that i haven’t been running is also contributing to my sluggishness.

thank god its friday.

kiss me.

Alam Nasyrah.

“Surely, with difficulty there is ease’.

i love this surah.

Things happen for a reason. this is hard to accept, esxp when it turns your life around in to shit.But the beauty of it that you eventually do learn to accept. and when you do, you get to have your life back. sometimes the universe takes it up a notch and makes it even better. 🙂

smile. and take comfort in the fact that things will pass.

they say, good things come to those who wait. inshallah.

assalamualaikum SIS.

kiss me.


omg. bebau jua mulut org sebalah ku ani. like seriously, if you think you’re going to be YAWNING the whole session, make sure you come with brushed teeth. it’s mihir. i feel like snatching has hand and yank it IN TO the bowl of mints in the middle of the table. oh god. he just yawned again. ada kucing mati kali dalam mulutnya ani.


kucing mati pasal mulutnya bebau. bukan bebau pasal ada kucing mati dalam mulutnya.


anyway, its monday. my holidays are finally over. it’s gonna take me at least a few more months to go on my next leave. which has got to be in september by the way cause Nat’s wedding reception is in September. which i can’t afford to miss. for alot of reasons, mainly, i HAVE to SEE her to kawin to BELIEVE it 😀

dude, can u not breathe??????????

ah. can’t post like this.

too smelly. *remind self to move to a diff seat during coffee break.

kiss me.

Good morning, hari ini aku lah katak di bawah tempurung.

You know how they have those daily ‘Katak di Bawah tempurong’ sessions on Pelangi FM? Today, my curiosity got the better of me as i went on google and searched for GOOD MORNING TOWELS. In my 26 years of existence. almost 26 years of existence (please don’t remind me, next time) i have seen his towel EVERYWHERE. exsp around an ‘Uncle’ or an ‘Aunty’s; necks on afternoons at the tasek. Ive always wondered how did a towel became so famous????

this blogger wrote something about the origins of the towel.

BUT I STILL WANT TO KNOW HOW DID IT BECOME SO PEMES? DATS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW. kali, tuala ani pernah manang peraduan menyanyi ASIA BAGUS taun 1997 kali?

sama kenapa namanya Good Morning? if it was used to medically treat cuts or whatever..shouldn’t the name have more of a medical ring to it? like

GOODMORNDOL? (after Dettol)
GOODMORNEX? (after Protex)
GOODMORNGATE? (after colgate?)

ataupun tuala DOKTOR GOOD MORNING.

……this leads me to another question..

sama jua mcm tiger balm.. kenapa tiger balm kana panggil tiger balm? pasalnya ya adiberadi sama tiger beer kah?

cali2 jua nama produk dari cina ani.


nya org, jangan malu betanya. kalau malu, SASAT JALAN. tapinya kdg2 kalau luan banyak betanya atu..kana marahi jua………


but it’s so funny how google have answers to almost anything and just everything. i love it.

Google Search: Why is YOKO YOKO called YOKO YOKO?
Google Search: Banyak Banyak burger, burger apa yang paling nyaman?
Google Search: Kenapa samut suka makan gula?
Google Search: Kenapa Katak dibawah tempurung? kenapa inda bawah mija kah? bawah kerusi kah?
Google Search: kenapa no telipun pulis di brunei 993 bukan 911?
Google Search: Cara cara ber wudhu yang sunat sahaja.
Google Search: Jenis jenis Ginchu MIRAH yang Halal, yang dapat di gunakan tanpa was was.
Google Search: maksud was was
Google Search: adakah cuma produk Zaitun yang dpt di gunakan tanpa was was?
Google Search: apa erti SYAK WAS SANG KA, dan Zaitun ini ibu siapa?
Google Search: cara cara mencari jodoh yang baik.
Google Search: tmpat mencari jodoh.
Google Search: tarikh haribulan mansuh lesen kereta kawan ku si jamal.

….siap siap hari kana tampar ku jua krg uleh google.

kiss me


running out of things to watch. it’s summer. which means it’s the end of the season for most tv-series. Gossip Girl won’t be back until fall. it’s sounds so wierd when someone from the tropics of asia starts referring to months as seasons. mcm oh. “they won’t be back till winter”. those who understand would know this would usually mean December. January. February (if understand nice) tapi yang inda paham atu (like my own conscious) would actually question me back and go ‘Winter?? Serious kah Winter. Bila jua winter disini ani.. ku liat ujan pun. panas pun. nada pun ku pandai meng on heater dirumah ani……beselipar jua ku ni tangah2 winter ani, bepaloh paloh lagi..garu garu…’


i hate winter. i sleep with the fan on. sometimes in the afternoons i keep my windows open and can sleep for hours in the comfort of the hot-afternoon breeze. so u can see how i can get very anti-winter. Being in 8 degree Melbourne made me realize that i don’t actually miss living there anymore. I’m actually quite happy to be back in Brunei. I love my sunshine and i love being out in the sun even if it makes me tan up like a buruk 1 cent coin. 😀

i am like a Sim. i like my sun light. my future house will have tall french windows with a view of the sea and it will also have high speed internet connection that can tell freakin E-speed to suck it.

this post is pretty random.

so what.

kiss me.

holidays are almost over.

work is dawning on me like a mother fucker. if only we had flexible times .. no. fuck that. if only we had a proper 2 day weekend… at least there would be something to smile about. ah.. a two-day rest. one can only dream.. unless, i decide to pack my shit up and go PREBET. huhu. but no. i am here. to serve my country. because i love my country. i. i just hope, one day..my country would be able to love me back.


catching up with Kaka Lisa at mats today for coffee.

kiss me.

haha. turns out that i am going home tonite.

bloody hell. good thing my mom posted on my facebook wall and told me to re-check my itinerary. haha. this always NEVER happens to me. always. alwayssssss. syazwana what is wrong with you syazwana. most days you lose track of time..and then you lose things..soon i will be losing my mind. if only personal assistants were available to buy off supermarket shelves kan? like those instant Taco Shells. mcm..hmm ok.. for this week..ill have the one..in MILD.

a mildy spiced mexicano taco as a personal assistant sounds delicious.

i agree. 100%.

so anyway. i was supposed to catch the midnight flight.. but departure has been delayed to 5am. daym.
5AM??? MY BODY CLOCK will be fucked again. i saved two sleeping pills for the 5hr plane ride.. but if im only going to sleep at 5am.. i’m still going to wake up in tropical brunei freakin sleepy INNIT?

so yes. to some up my melbourne trip very quickly.. its now safe to say that i have had my closure. apart from my MESSY HAIR and BLACK ensembles,nothing else seems to fit. things have changed, people have moved on. and despite all the shenanigans i face back home, i’m pretty content with where i am now. and i have no regrets leaving this place.

Melbourne’s like your first boyfriend you know? I may no longer want to live here anymore but there will always be a special place in my heart for Melbourne.

Melbourne, I Love You.

kiss me.