My laptop over-heated. I am now sitting next to the window, blogging hoping that the cold morning weather would cool it off faster. Its working. Thank god. I almost had a heart attack this morning when my laptop kept on switching off by itself. Close friends would know that i’ve always had a problem with laptops. The ones i own seem to have shorter life expectancies. In the past 6 years..i have gone through 4 laptops. Almost one for every year.
2000-2001:- Toshiba Sattelite, “My first love”.
My first years at Boarding School. Didn’t get to use this laptop much as we were given in-house school laptops which were provided by ACER , fujitsu and NEC at that time. Don’t know how but I accidentally dropped it one day and had it looked at by the people from NETCOM in KIULAP over my summer holidays. They said the hard drive was damaged. So i sent it in to get it fixed. Towards the end of summer, i went to Netcom to pick it up. I switched the laptop on and there was a straight line going through the middle of the screen. And as if to add insult to injury,it turns out that the hard toshiba casing was cracked from the sides of the laptop all the way through the back. Well done Netcomm, You’ve officially Bruce-leed my laptop. I demanded for a replacement. but they refused. I threatened to SUE they then offerred me an IBUDDY. But thats like replacing gold tooth with air. Belubang gigi. After much persistence they then gave me BD$1000 check. shit. Come to think of it, 1000 mana cukup. SIKIT JUA TU. *^*(#&#.
Didn’t worry much cause i still had my boarding school laptop. With a heavy heart, i left my first Tosshhyy, the Tosshhyy of my life in Brunei.
2001-2002 “Winter Potato”
My NEC. I enrolled in boarding school middle of term 2. And was given a bulky not to mention, UNCOOL NEC laptop. Everytime i took it out it looked like i was carrying a sack of potatoes..that’s how ugly it was ok? Students that enrolled at the start of the year were offerred slick thin ACERS and Fujitsus (cough Nat cough). IMAGINE NAT I HAD TO CARRY MY BIG ASS UNCOOL NEC LAPTOP TO CLASS EVERYDAY ..THE LAPTOP CARRIED ME..and people kept asking me “Hey, why is your laptop so old. aren’t you new?” through out year 11 and year 12..mcm setaun ku sudah sini kali ah? get over it kali ah computer ku bida..awu bah macam mua kamu kamu semua..ish. Anyways, what is past is past hahahaha.
So yeah,I had no problems with the NEC tho. Well i did, but we always had people to fix it for us at school. One time i accidentally spilt water on the keyboard.. The next day i took it to the “dungeon”(the laptop-servicing department within the school..nicknamed the dungeon cause it was located in a stoney-brick-looking-building).. and got it replaced free of chas. huhuhu. During my school years my NEC had to endure more abuse..but its ok.. we had the people from the dungeon to fix it up. huhu. Had to return my laptop at the end of Highschool though. So i had to get a new one for Uni. which was another……..
2003-2005 :- Another Toshiba Sattelite – “My First love, Part II – Sorry i said i love you”
This one lasted quite a while only because i WANT it to last for quite a while.. But by the 6th month of getting it. Most of the keys on the keyboard were missing. I’m not sure why..but i think it was the wind that blew the keys away. serious. I was staying in an apartment on the 24th level, which you know a long way up skali berangin to the max. I had the laptop sitting next to the window (like now!) and left the window open while i went out to go to school. When i came home. Bits and pieces of the letter H G J O B N D were scattered on the floor. Naturally, people didn’t believe my story. So when they ask me what happened to my keys i just tell them; “Ah. kana makan tikus”. I never got it replaced though. Thank god i can touch type..yea suprisingly it was still working tapi paksa takan kuat kuat lah. be muscle jari ku. Well at least ive got something for show and tell when i have visitors over. “wow Syaz!! i wonder how you type u know which key is which key!?” because i know 😉
by the 1st year.. the fan wasn’t working properly anymore. i had to use the laptop sideways so that it won’t overheat. And then there was a virus, and then i got the fan to work properly again, but there was THAT virus..and then i dropped it, the harddrive went kapoots..and i couldn’t reformat the laptop anymore..and then the missing keys wudnt work anymore..and then i gave up..and broke it in half. the screen i donated to the people in africa with a note saying:-“This children, is what a laptop will look life if you are not poor!” ha ha ha. jahat eh. i can be so morbid sometimes. and the other half.. i keep. the fan’s still working. So ive dismantled and attached it to an ice cream stick – to be used, exsp on a hot day, at weddings. hahahaha “Jangan kamu TOSHIBA NI KIPAS KU ANI.” hahahahahaha.
kidding. the laptop’s at home..collecting dust , tai cacak dll dll (dan lain lain..dan lain lain)
2006 – ?? –
and then i bought a new laptop. An Acer. a chunky bulky acer. i dont know, but i like big fat computers. both toshhies were huge. anyway, im now trying my luck with Acer. its been 9 months. so far so good. nothing wrong with it yet..just running out of space..damn prison break. oh Abruzzi died. yes. i like to annoy my readers. Sorry naik Lorry laaa!! huhuhu. i weeped. for half an hour i weeped. He wasn’t supposed to die. what is Prison break without Abruzzi? 🙁 🙁 🙁 oh. slightly off the but yeah anyway.. i love my acer. the keys are still intact.. there no lines going accross the screen just yet.. sticker nya ganya lakap. huhuu.
haha. so there. the story of my life. haha. macam cerita korea.
Moral of the story: Kalau membali Toshiba atu..jantah dipakai. Simpan saja dalam Almari. Inda rusak.
Kel’s also currently having problems with her toshiba. tapi kami suka toshiba bah. hehe.
kiss me.
hehehe.. ACER andang bemasalah with overheating tu… hehe.. Had mine for 3 years and towards the end of it’s lifetime selalu te-off because ia overheating. Masa ani it’s on life support (ie inda dapat di-on unless connected to the karan). I’d recommend getting a notebook cooler aka kipas bawah komputer.
NOTEBOOKS! thats another name for it. hahahaa. dari tadi ku mikirkan..apa nama nya ah. notebook cooler nya sini mahal. eh kajap check arah ebay dulu. thanks for that 🙂 eh tapinya banarnya, suma jua bah sanang panas. cap toshiba,acer,adabi,yeos..hehe..semua sanang panas. apa inda panas mun di taruh atas katil hahahaha. it has to be placed on flat hard surfaces kali saja. seperti kayu, rotan, bata,simin dan lain lain. sigh.
Oh no lai we’re alike in that sense.. puah bah barang ulih ku.. my laptop now is masuk sepitar di MIRI pecaya balum lagi balik2!! Sasak ku Bridgelink ah!! Kan ku tunu tu kadainya ah!!! Arrghhh!!
NEC are cool mehh
Bushu: awu nda tahan barang ah. annoying. semua barang di pigang turns to shit. mun gold dpt lagi arapkan si candu membari refund.
r&al, not the ones i had back in highschool. huhuhu.
Ato daanngg…banyak laptop mu. In my whole uni career ( bah :p) I only had two laptops, including the one now.
First was Acer (aku bagi adiku sal bapaku balikan aku laptop baru por mai betday)
Second is Clevo. Aku bali sal it’s touch screen and screen nya bulih pusing pusing. Not so well known brand but I had it since 2003. So far the only masalah I had was masa hard drivenya mati (innalillah..) sama batterynya useless jua. Hmph. Bekaran tah ni kesana kemari.
siok jua bulih pusing pusing. baik inda silahau? huhuhu apakan. haha aku banci tu hard drive mati ah atu artinya pedah be computer sigh. sini lagi mahal manservice apa.
Try five for the past five years. Hehehe. Ngam the laptop a year old, it needed replacing. First one was a Compaq, the rest were Acers (my dad suka pasal ia murah), now I have a MacBook – I’m hoping this one will last longer.
Eh banci ku, tarus2 kan pasal Abruzzi mati!! 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛
dee, apa? ko ucapkan computer ku murah kah??? huhuhuh
tina: awu aku suka bikin orang naik darah. hahahahaha.
Hehehe, no. 😛
Leaaaa u’re soooo cali hehehe.
Hehe I thought I was alone, I had 4 laptops since 2002, HP and Dells. To me laptops are disguised cheap shits, desktops are much better but too bad u can’t take them anywhere u want like u do with a laptop. I’m having problems with overheating too on my current Dell laptop, paksa pakai at night or early mornings. Like now it’s cool so there I am safe till it’s freezing on me again coz it’s overheating.
awu kalau main sims lagi tia. panas. hahahahahahaah 😉