I found my wedding ring today.. after what felt like an eternity of panic. I can’t have nice things banar. Been married for a second and i’ve already lost a potential family stone. haha.
Matt was initially against buying a ring for me. he argued that its symbolism wasn’t exactly islamic. but i insisted and matt being a happy wife happy life guy relented ( thank you love u) . so anyway, this made the moment i realised it was gone all the more terrifying! instantly, his voice played in my head.. a mental ig reel of I TOLD YOU SOs. like how do u tell ur brand new husband that uve already lost the very thing u begged for?! ? tapi aku bagitau saja sal aku takut aku nda betidur.
the moment i noticed it was missing i launched into a full csi suv mode. ku check semua my security cameras dirumah atu macam aku ani kraja security di bank .. . but as usual kan? it’s aaaaaaaaalways when it really matters – the quality of the footage atu mcm telipun nokia 2000 tia. i kudnt figure out if i was wearing a ring or not but what was clear i had worn in when i left home last week. i just don’t know if i lost it diluar or dirumah. so whatever. i already called up the jeweler to check if they had another one in stock.. so if i cant ind then i can simply replace it and pretend this crisis never happened. laki ku tau plang. tuhan tau. aku tau. tapi kamu mana tau hahaha.
i was pretty low the whole week and i tot i should check w my therapist. not to talk about the ring saja of course but also other things. towards the end of the session i declared “i think i have adhd! diagnose me pls!”
i explained to him that I’ve been losing things since I was little, I can’t do math. I’m messy. I lose focus easily. If that’s not on some kind of spectrum, then what ijjit??? And honestly, i was really beating myself up for misplacing the wedding ring. and i think knowing something if i have adhd would help me in the long run. mcm it would explain most of my childhood too. heh. so anyway dr. said to come back with my old school records. mm.. nanti tah ah. huhu.
so anyway this morning i was clearing empty boxes of skincare when something fell into the sink. to my absolute shock and relief it was the ring. beshukur tah ku tu. i went through such an ordeal banar. be doa siang malam. minta mimpi dimana cincin atu haha. sampai minta kana diagnose adhd. pisan.
i dont know about you but im counting my blessings this week.
ok tq