Finding George in Georgetown.

We decided to go to Pulau Pinang for our honeymoon, because we didn’t want to go very far (and spend very much). The wedding took the life out of us that we just wanted to go somewhere we can relax – the process of getting there shouldn’t be a life journey in itself. haha. So the criteria was:

  • avoid long transits
  • lengthy flights
  • accessible through Changi Airport
  • cheap
  • good weather (not cold)
  • home of Natalie Tang Choot

So Penang it is! haha. Those who have been reading this blog for a long time are likely familiar with her name. She’s one my longest and dearest friends from school in Melbourne and often made a cameo in my writings because of her “quotable” personality hahaha.

Penang was wonderful. Kind of like Europe on a budget thanks to its colonial charms. Matt and i enjoyed wandering through the streets of Georgetown, it kinda felt like we were transported back in time, every corner was a storied past..macam visiting my grandfather’s house.

One of the trip’s highlight was also our visit to the Pramlee house. Sharing this experience with Matt, who appreciated the museum as much as I did, was truly special. I also had the opportunity to reconnect with old friends. Natalie and Pris, ever the gracious hosts, guided us through the local culinary and attractions and we went home with a suitcase full of nutmeg oil,kacang tumbuk and kitsch souveneirs.

the trip fullfilled every expectation of a honeymoon, truly a core memory unlocked.

kiss me.