Sapit Nutella.

time passes, people change. jangantah people, Sapit lagi krg ani warna warna usulnya. sudahtah warna warna, dalamnya ada lagi Nutella! isuk2 apa kah lagi ada dalam sapit.. sapit dalam sapit dalam sapit dalam sapit ada nutella kali! nice jua tu ah. sapit inception.

it has been a great month so far. so great that i’m enjoying a bag of honey-coated belinjau as i type. ive lost some of my holiday weight but it is nowhere nowhere near ideal. which made me stop and think.. that perhaps.. i am sebenarnya at my happy weight? this is my happy weight? and that i am feeling more content than i have in the last few years. i am at my happiest. yes!!! it must be happiness. could it be happiness?

u know ishappiness until i put on my every day clothes.

sampit semua. kalau ku pakai baju mcm kan carik kali baju ani. carik carik baju macam tarzan.

tarzan kampung serusop…ok sambung lagi makan sapit.


oh sapit.

y u so good?