JET SETTER… MU. (kuwat perasan)

Currently on transit in Changi. En route to somewhere fabulous. riding in biz class.. ive made sure that my make up artist is part of my entourage this time. Just did a little bit of shopping. Oh and ive stocked up on my Lamer and my hermes scarves.

hahahahahahahahahahahhaa. i wish.

the joke’s on me.

let me start over.

Currently in Changi. waiting for the next flight out to country x to attend meeting x. riding the kambing. and this morning i packed my bags and made my way to the airport, half asleep. confirm tetinggal spendet/spendets (spendet ka spindit? ka spindar? ka spender?)

i wouldn’t call this JET SETTING. never. in my life. especially when you know you going to be spending the next week cooped up in a meeting room with bad lighting , sipping endlessly on cups of (bad) coffee cause you know..your life depends on it. Although i do have to admit this is probably a good way to see the world.. but those who have LIVED will agree that it’s not the IDEAL way.

it’s okay. my time will come. as they say. susah susah dulu senang senang kemudian..ataupun difficult difficult first, easy easy later. LOL. i just love translating malay peribahasa into english. what would the world do if I was the person behind GOOGLE TRANSLATE? hahahahahahahaahaha.

turtle turtle in the boat…………
