
Here i am sitting cross legged, korean style in a korean styled hotel room ..replying to work mail whilst listening to the likes of Big Bang. It can’t get anymore Korean than that. Wait. actually. it can.. but i refuse to call room service for a bowl of cold stoned rice.

ive succumbed to the world of K-pop. It’s the only way to learn the language, FAST.

anyway, this little fella made my day today.

I saw him walk past me once. and i thought, eh what was is this boy wearing on his head? Whilst waiting for our driver i saw him again and i stopped him for a photo .. and he was more than happy to pose 🙂

bah eh back to work. krg kana ucap nda kraja. kana ucap kraja ku disini ani blogging saja.

biasa..manusia kan? inda lari dari annoying. annoying ha-seyo!

kiss me.