My eyes popped open at 5:30am this morning. After tweeting a series of good mornings to the birds and the universe i thought i’d go back to sleep and wake up just in time to shampoo, make myself an awesome breakfast and arrive on time for work.

and then it started raining..and i was more than happy to succumb to the cozy warmth of my blanket so i Snoozed. I snoozed my iphone to it’s death and woke up just in time for a quickie shampoo and breakfast which consisted of a CEREAL BAR in the CAR and arrived work at 8.30. fuck my life banar banar eh.

well. at least, it’s good to know that i had good intentions. eh..more like high ambitions.

now, to reach that high note like Whitney.


ok. Tuesday, be nice.

baby girl what’s ur name?

Chivalry is officially dead and i blame social media for it. When was the last time you received an actual TEXT or a CALL from a guy asking you out WITHOUT approaching you on Facebook first?

I’m just saying that it hardly ever happens anymore. Now you get random boys adding you up on facebook, throwing pickup lines in the chat box and THEN they will proceed to ask you whether it’s okay to WHATSAPP you. It has come to a point where they don’t have to work that hard to get you anymore.

Now, I dont know about you, but Is it wrong for me to want a guy to spend a few cents to text me kah? It’s not like i’m asking them to shower me with gifts. The shorter time taken for men these days to get a girl lowers the excitement of ‘the chase’..mcm. ok lapas whatsapp, whatsnextapp?????

However, if it was to look at it from another point of view.. we can look at it like SPEED DATING. lapas whatsapp, if u no like,kensel. move on. start whatsapping with the next guy who just added you on facebook. haha. but no, that’s not my point. im just saying, it’s nice for a guy to work a LITTLE bit harder to get your attention. But if you’re the kind of girl who can settle with the above-mentioned arrangement den errr.. okay lah. I like my men, BRAVE. If not, don’t waste my time.

haha. anyway. it’s Monday. I’ve never been this grateful on a Monday. Only because last week felt painfully long. Now that i’ve made peace with myself on a number of things, i just look forward to the rest of the year. It’s funny that it is already the middle of feb, and my year is actually JUST starting 🙂

“So verily, with the hardship, there is relief, Verily, with the hardship, there is relief. So when you have finished, then stand up for Allâh’s worship. And to your Lord turn your invocations. Quran 94:5-8”

Here’s to a good week.

kiss me.

I am sorry. sorry. sorry.

It seems like all i do is apologize for not blogging. I don’t know why I still have the blog up pun. when i should really be password protecting each and everyone of my blogpost just in case someone decides to use it against me one day.

its february. hello february. what’s going on?

a plenty. a large chunk of it consists of things i don’t really want to talk about but rather accept them as they are and move on, a part of it, i dont want really want to talk about too..cause its work related and i should just suck it up like a working girl (on ice).

so again. going back to that question of WHY i still have this blog.

ntah. i just like the idea of having some place to carry and shelf my thoughts kali. Twitter is usually sufficient , Path does the job equally well..but there’s nothing like ranting and rambling on a blog.

i’m sure those who used to have a blog still have a blog. as they say, once a blogger. always a blogger.

kiss me.