Its two am. Spent the last 2 hours tossing and turning on the couch. Rewind to an hour before that, i was in my room tossing and turning because of the heat. So i moved to the couch outside in the airconditioned living room. turns out, i can’t sleep NOT because of the heat, but i can’t sleep just because i can’t. No freakin idea how i’m going to wake up for yoga tommrow morning.
Kamu suka lampung ijau ka..lampung merah ka? ataupun kuning?
Spent the weekend with what’s left of my melbourne girls. ‘spontaneity’ called for an afternoon at the Realto Towers. Melbourne’s highest point, big blue building, 10 bucks student entry free, also just across from my aparment. It was really nice watching the world go by from the 55th floor. I somehow managed to swallow the chewing gum i had in my mouth on my way up via the lifts. Simultaneously, my ears started to pop. and i was like “OI KAMU. KALAU TETALAN CINGGAM INDA PAPA KAN?? TAPI KENAPA KU BANGAL ANI???? O M G”. I havent exactly, accidentally SWALOWED gum since i was 5 u know. lol. Took me a while to realise that my ears popped not because of the chewing gum i swallowed but because the lifts were going really2 fast. huhu story of my life.
But anyway, the 360 degree views of melbourne were breath taking! Each and everyone of us were busy trying to find our own aparments. We could see as far as.. port melbourne and BEYOND. Semua ku nampak dari atas atu si Sami pun ku nampak. lol.The only reason why all this while we weren’t bothered to go was because we thought that it’d cost us more than 10 bucks to check out whats up there and when u think about it kan, 55 floors isn’t really all that high.
My view of Melbourne from Jail. lol. This view is of MY SIDE of town.
The other side of town. Architectural Brutalism at its best but from this high up, still breath taking nonetheless.
The Yarra River at Southbank, YOU CAN EVEN SEE THE VODAPHONE ARENA! huhuhu.
This is Mun. huhuhu. Biasa, org terupung keluar, ya meneurupung kedalam. antah apa kah di terupungnya atu. lubang telinga kami kali sorang sorang. huhuhu. mun mun..
*sigh* My melbourne is just so beautiful.
Summer School’s already started. Would be busy in this next couple of weeks.
so anyway, i should try going to sleep now.
kiss me.
PS: At the moment, the book can only be bought off AMAZON.COM. Sorry for the inconvenience. Itu tauke jual itu buku dali amelika.
Sirius? Darn. Amazon doesn’t deliver to Australia. Cubatah siapa kaya atu meng-invest on bringing Amazon into Australia. Anywho…nantiku mengorder dari Borders manatawu dorang bekarih. LAP U LONG TAIM!
APA INII!! SAYA TIDA NAMPA KAA?! HAHAHA. case jealous lah tu. HAKAKAKAK! kaka siti… if we DO go there can you bring us theree?? FLEASEEEEE!!!
LOVE the shots sas! They’re so crisp and saturated! Kamira apa ko pakai lai??
Bj: eh ku pikir internasional jua. huhu inda?
Mani: hahahaha. boleh. pukul perapa ampel?
Anakbrunei: Lumix panasonic. huhu cheap cheap one. i just triggered the exposure adibit. huhu.
Dalam 5 nimit sampai. Dakat roundandabout sudaa.. Tida paya ampil. Tida payaa tida payaa..
Lawa jua. Real great shots you got. First pic atu batah ku memikir apa, rupanya traffic light tah sudah tu. Steady angle mu atu haha. 😉
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